My Name is not Pastor's Wife

My Name is not Pastor's Wife. It's Gina. Gina Ingrassia. Nice name, isn't it?

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Location: NC, United States

Of the many hats I wear, my favorite ones are of wife, mother of 5, and yes, even high school teacher! When we were children, life seemed so simple. Not so now. Life is hard, pain-filled, and not what was expected. In other words, life is not convenient. Hopefully this will have insights into an inconvenient life and a little wisdom to help get through it with grace.

Monday, October 27, 2008

We need to laugh!

Ok- it has been said, " laughter the the best medicine." Well, I would not want to disagree with any medical studies or any one who studies the human body, but I strongly disagree today!!
Here are the facts - my oldest son and his 2 younger siblings were cleaning his room together. That was funny enough, but it gets better. They decided to throw some things away; things that needed to be "broken down" During the ensuing mayhem, he realized certain body parts were at risk of being hurt. Did he stop? NO! He decided to put pillows and couch cushions in front of these... body parts. The action and look was so funny, I began to laugh, laugh, and laugh! I laughed so hard I couldn't breath! Normally that is not an issue. This is not a normal time. You see, I just had abdominal surgery!! Soooo.... OUCH! Laughter was not the best medicine, but boy was it funny!!!!

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Laughter, it's said, is the best medicine. And there's lots of evidence that laughter does lots of good things for us." (
Over the past few years, there have been a number of medical studies on the effects of laughter on the human body. Findings suggest a correlation between laughter and better health. Some suggest laughter will increased blood flow (lowering heart attack risk) it might reduce pain levels and allow us to tolerate pain better, lower blood sugar, and help us get a better nights sleep.
So, I was thinking... this year I want to be a better steward of this temple. But I also want to save money. Presto! I can now do both!!
Having a hard time thinking of something funny? Look in the mirror. Works for me every time.

Blessings and laughter-

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Monday, August 27, 2007

As the school year begins, the stress begins to rise in my house and in my heart. I know the level of angst I feel is in direct relationship to the time I spend with the Lord. I find myself rushing to get everything done, everything except spending time with Jesus. I spend some time talking to Him, in the car as the kids jockey for family position, in the drop off line as other moms jockey for position, on the way home as the businessmen jockey for... you get the point. I spend rushed "oh, hey how ya doin'" time - not gentle, sweet intimate communion with my first love. But thanks be to Jesus; he wraps me in His grace. Today I remembered why I take time (that I feel I don't have) to bask in His grace. It is the only thing that keeps me "kingdom focused" and "forward moving." Without intimate time with Him, daily refocusing on Him, I find my mouth and mind where they should not be.
So, am I stressed? Yes. Will I choose to find time everyday to refocus? With His help... Yes! I will bless my kids while in the car. I will bless the other stressed moms in drop off line. Yes, I will even choose to bless and let the BMW businessmen cut in front of me. After all, the most important thing I have to do today is to spend time with my first love, Jesus.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good thing you do or say.
Wrapped in Grace

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I love and hate change.

I love and hate change.

I love it for the simple reason that proves life is still moving forward. I hate change because, well, it is something different. I admit it, I am a creature of habit. I like things staying the same. Most of the time.

Back to change. My dear daughter Caroline returns to school today. It is bittersweet. I hate not having her around. I like my kids. But, I love discovering the young woman in God she has become. I love to hear about how God moves in her life. I love seeing her follow His direction.

I still miss having her around.

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Shifting Gears

As Autumn approaches, we begin to shift gears. At the same time, our churches (and therefore our husbands) are also gearing up for the season change! AHH!!!Sunday schools, youth ministries, sports activities, Wednesday night classes, worship practice, there seems to be no end! BUT- take heart, don't lose sight of the goal... Jesus. Take deep breathes and bless His people, even the ones that drive us nuts!

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Time is the one thing we have both too much of and not enough of. A natural oxymoron. Too much when we feel bored, alone, and disconnected. Not enough when we are overwhelmed, stressed, and "lost." Funny, but both can happen at the same time. You know exactly what I mean! We have all experienced the phenomena where we where both bored and overwhelmed. How do we handle this? Not that I am any expert, but having lived the life God has given me... I do have a little experience in this. The best answer I have found is routine. Yes, I did say the evil 7 letter word... routine. I am NOT a born organizer and I truly dislike routines, but when I have them, my life does not fall victim to the tug-o-war of "too much - not enough."

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fall is in the air

As I gaze out my window, it looks as if someone spilled bright red and yellow paint over the trees. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the seasons change. It shouldn't surprise me though. When I look at my day to day life, it seems to change just as fast. Time never stops. Neither does change. The only unchanging, unchangeable constant in this reality is God Himself. As I take the time to look back over my life and to look forward towards my future, I hope to identify threads of faith, truth, trust, and belief. If these ruminations and speculations ring true in your heart, then sister (or brother) welcome to the journey. It has been a rollercoaster ride thus far, but I am preparing myself to jump the cliff and fly. May God’s mercy and grace saturate our lives.

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