My Name is not Pastor's Wife

My Name is not Pastor's Wife. It's Gina. Gina Ingrassia. Nice name, isn't it?

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Location: NC, United States

Of the many hats I wear, my favorite ones are of wife, mother of 5, and yes, even high school teacher! When we were children, life seemed so simple. Not so now. Life is hard, pain-filled, and not what was expected. In other words, life is not convenient. Hopefully this will have insights into an inconvenient life and a little wisdom to help get through it with grace.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Time is the one thing we have both too much of and not enough of. A natural oxymoron. Too much when we feel bored, alone, and disconnected. Not enough when we are overwhelmed, stressed, and "lost." Funny, but both can happen at the same time. You know exactly what I mean! We have all experienced the phenomena where we where both bored and overwhelmed. How do we handle this? Not that I am any expert, but having lived the life God has given me... I do have a little experience in this. The best answer I have found is routine. Yes, I did say the evil 7 letter word... routine. I am NOT a born organizer and I truly dislike routines, but when I have them, my life does not fall victim to the tug-o-war of "too much - not enough."

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